#6 The Importance of Personal Branding with Will Baggett

Will Baggett is a professional speaker, an author, and the founder of The Executive Image. His book is titled The Blueprint for a Successful Career, and it has earned a solid five star rating on Amazon. As the founder of Executive Image, Will leads workshops on professional presence and development for college student-athletes. Tayler and Will discuss his career path to date, and the process of writing his book. Will talks about the power of utilizing relationships and networking as resources. They also talk about the importance of using personal branding to build a career.

More on The Executive Image: http://execimage.org/

The Blueprint for a Successful Career: https://www.amazon.com/Blueprint-Successful-Career-Foundation-Professionals/dp/1606793640

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#7 Graphic Tees and Entrepreneurship with Kari Jo Kelso


#5 The Dangers of Chasing Perfection with Dr. Ashlesha Lokhande